- Territory
- Housing
Cadastral positions according to the owner's type of the city of Barcelona
Cadastral positions according to the owner's type of the city of BarcelonaUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Cadastral fees according to the use of the office of the city of Barcelona
Cadastral fees according to the use of the office of the city of BarcelonaUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Number of cadastral buildings according to the number of premises in the city...
Number of cadastral buildings according to the number of premisesUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Area size of the premises and services of the cadastral constructions of th...
Area size (m2) of the premises and services of thecadastral constructions of the city of BarcelonaUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Average age of cadastral buildings of the city of Barcelona
Average age of cadastral buildings of the city of BarcelonaUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Cadastral values of charges in the city of Barcelona
Cadastral values of charges of the city of BarcelonaUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Number of cadastral constructions according to the year of construction of th...
Number of cadastral buildings according to the year of constructionUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Cadastral positions according to the charge's use of the city of Barcelona
Cadastral positions according to the charge's use of the city of BarcelonaUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Surface of the cadastral estates of the city of Barcelona
Surface area of land cadastral of the city of BarcelonaUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Number of cadastral estates according to the property regime of the city of B...
Number of cadastral estates according to the property regime of the city of BarcelonaUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Cadastral values and unit values of the housing premises in the city of Barce...
Cadastral values and unit values detail of the premises in the city of Barcelona which have housing as its main use and destinationUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Average surface of the housing premises of the city of Barcelona
Average surface detail of the premises in the city of Barcelona which have housing as its main use and destinationUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Average age of the housing premises in the city of Barcelona
Average age detail of the premises in the city of Barcelona which have housing as its main use and destinationUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Number of housing premises by surface area of the city of Barcelona
Number of the premises in the city of Barcelona which have housing as its main use and destination classified by surfaceUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Number of housing premises according to the year of construction of the city ...
Number of the premises in the city of Barcelona which have housing as its main use and destination classified by year of constructionUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Number, size and cadastral value of the housing premises by type and nation...
Number , size and cadastral value area detail of the premises in the city of Barcelona which have housing as its main use and destination by type and nationality of natural...Update frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Main housings of the city of Barcelona according to regime of possession
Main housings according to regime of possession. Data from the 2011 Census of Population and HousingUpdate frequency: Decennial
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Family housings of the city of Barcelona placed in buildings destined mainly ...
Family housings placed in buildings destined mainly to housing according to typology . Data from the 2011 Census of Population and HousingUpdate frequency: Decennial
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Main housings of the city of Barcelona according to useful area
Main housings according to useful area. Data from the 2011 Census of Population and HousingUpdate frequency: Decennial
Historical information: Yes
- Territory
- Housing
Main housings of the city of Barcelona according to years of construction
Main houses|housings according to years of construction . Data from the 2011 Census of BuildingsUpdate frequency: Decennial
Historical information: Yes