Open Data BCN Statistics
More information in the Barcelona's City Council Open Data Catalogue-Open Data BCN.
Data volume
571 Datasets
3789 Historic series
7477 Resources
Quality level according to Tim Berners-Lee
98.42% datasets >= 3
36 Formats
Datasets by Themes
Dataset activity
Datasets' publishing evolution
Latest added
- Data from the environmental noise monitoring network of the city of Barcelona
- Installations of the environmental noise monitoring network of the city of Barcelona
- Live music rooms' data of the city of Barcelona
- Large capacity venues in the city of Barcelona
- Vehicle types in traffic complaints and sanctions processed by the Institut Municipal d’Hisenda of Barcelona City Council
Last modified
- Air quality data from the measure stations of the city of Barcelona
- Carrers 30 a la ciutat de Barcelona
- New Bicing stations status of Barcelona city
- New Bicing stations information of the city of Barcelona
- Traffic state information in the city of Barcelona by sections. Real time data, in relation to average time and 15 minute prediction.
Most visited recently
Last 15 days
Most visited
Since 23/2/2017 (Inauguration of a new portal)
- Incidents, complaints, suggestions, inquiries and gratitudes managed by the Barcelona City Council
- Economic activities census on the ground floor of the city of Barcelona
- Public showers in the city of Barcelona
- Air quality data from the measure stations of the city of Barcelona
- Administrative units of the city of Barcelona
Most downloaded (by IP)
Since 23/2/2017 (Inauguration of a new portal)
Most downloaded (Absolute values)
Since 23/2/2017 (Inauguration of a new portal)
Resource activity:
Most downloaded (last 15 days):
Total downloads (since 23/02/2017):
By IP: 4.162.328
Absolute: 24.383.147
Monthly portal activity
The visit data corresponds to the last 30 days. More information in the documentation of Matomo.
Total requests: 621
Datasets comments
Total datasets comments: 127
Registration evolution
Total registered users: 3.267
Warning: Data shown on this page is updated daily except where it is explicitly stated that update is monthly.