- City and Services
- Security
Accidents by driver cause managed by the Guàrdia Urbana in the city of Barcelona
Accidents by driver cause managed by the Guàrdia Urbana in the city of BarcelonaUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- City and Services
- Security
Accidents by mediate cause managed by the Guàrdia Urbana in the city of Barce...
List of accidents by mediate cause managed by the Guàrdia Urbana in the city of Barcelona. An accident may have one or more mediate causes that refer to external factors of the...Update frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- City and Services
- Security
Accidents by type managed by the Guàrdia Urbana in the city of Barcelona
List of accidents by type managed by the Guàrdia Urbana in the city of Barcelona. An accident can be typified with several typologies (Ex: collision against static element and...Update frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- City and Services
- Security
People involved in accidents managed by the Police in the city of Barcelona
List of people who have been involved in an accident managed by the Police in the city of Barcelona have suffered some type of injury ( slightly wounded, serious injuries or...Update frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- City and Services
- Security
Vehicles involved in accidents handled by the police in the city of Barcelona
List of vehicles involved in accidents handled by the police in the city of Barcelona . An accident may be associated with more than one vehicle. Including whether the cause is...Update frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- City and Services
- Security
Accidents managed by the local police in the city of Barcelona
List of accidents handled by the local police in the city of Barcelona. Incorporates the number of injuries by severity, the number of vehicles and the point of impact.Update frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- City and Services
- Security
Incidents managed for Guàrdia Urbana in the city of Barcelona
Incidents managed for Guàrdia Urbana (GUB) in the city of Barcelona according to internal coding of the application.Update frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes