- Population
- Demography
Names of the inhabitants of Barcelona by average age and sex
List of the names of the population of Barcelona according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on January 1 of each year with the average age and the number of people for...Update frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Surnames of the inhabitants of Barcelona
List of surnames of the population of Barcelona according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on January 1 of each year. The surnames have been grouped according to whether...Update frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Projected population by scenario and sex
Barcelona population projected based on the Municipal Register of Inhabitants as of January 1 and in the growth scenarios of Idescat (Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya). The...Update frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Population of Barcelona according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on January 1 of each yearUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Population by sex
Population of Barcelona aggregated by sex according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on January 1 of each yearUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Population by nationality (Spain/EU/Rest of foreign) and sex
Population of Barcelona aggregated by group of nationality (Spain, part of EU or other) and sex according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on January 1 of each yearUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Population by continent, country of nationality, sex and and five-year age gr...
Population of Barcelona aggregated by continent and country of nationality, sex and and five-year age groups according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on January 1 of...Update frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Population by sex and age
Population of Barcelona aggregated by sex and age by the Municipal Register of Inhabitants of January 1Update frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Population by continent, country of birth, sex and five-year age groups
Population of Barcelona aggregated by continent and country of birth, sex and five-year age groups according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on January 1 of each yearUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Population by birthplace and sex
Population of Barcelona aggregated by birthplace and sex according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on January 1 of each yearUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Population by Autonomous Community of birthplace and sex
Population of Barcelona aggregated by Autonomous Community of birthplace and sex according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on January 1 of each yearUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Population by continent of birth, sex and five-year age groups
Population of Barcelona aggregated by continent of birth, sex and five-year age groups according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on January 1 of each yearUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Population by continent of nationality, sex and five-year age groups
Population of Barcelona aggregated by continent of nationality, sex and five-year age groups according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on January 1 of each yearUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Population by nationality (Spain/EU/Rest of foreign), sex and five-year age g...
Population of Barcelona aggregated by group of nationality (Spain, part of EU or other), sex and five-year age groups according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on...Update frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Population by continent, country of nationality and sex
Population of Barcelona aggregated by continent and country of nationality and sex according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on January 1 of each yearUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Population by continent of nationality and sex
Population of Barcelona aggregated by continent of nationality and sex according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on January 1 of each yearUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Population by birthplace, sex and five-year age groups
Population of Barcelona aggregated by birthplace, sex and five-year age groups according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on January 1 of each yearUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Population by five-year age groups
Population of Barcelona aggregated by five-year age groups according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on January 1 of each yearUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Population by age
Population of Barcelona aggregated by age according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on January 1 of each yearUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes
- Population
- Demography
Population by geographical region of nationality and sex
Population of Barcelona aggregated by geographical region of nationality and sex according to the Municipal Register of Inhabitants on January 1 of each yearUpdate frequency: Annual
Historical information: Yes