The jury of the competition has agreed to consider as finalists the projects listed below in alphabetical order of the dataviz title. Its authors will be awarded an Access to the world of smart cities.
Additionally, the organization of the World Data Viz Challenge 2019 Barcelona-Kobe wants to give an opportunity to the other participants to attend this great international event that is the Smart City Expo World Congress and, therefore, they will be given a 3-DAY EXPO PASS.
Title: Cool Walks
Authors' biographies
Albert Carbonell Ferrer: Biologist and GIS Analyst at Barcelona Regional where he mostly works in urban analysis, green cities and data visualization.
Lluís Barril Basil: Geographer from University of Barcelona with a Master’s Degree in Geographical Information Systems by UNIGIS Girona. Working as GIS Analyst at Barcelona Regional.
Laura Vergoñós Pascual: Laura is an environmental scientist working as GIS analyst at Barcelona Regional. Mostly works in environmental, mobility and other multidisciplinary projects.
Title: Green & Clean: Barcelona's Trees
Authors' biographies
Nathalie Richer: A scientist who holds a PhD in biophysics. She has worked in research laboratories in Paris and London. Recently, she discovered the world of data visualization and became passionate about using her technical skills to contribute to this fast-moving field. She is now a freelance Tableau designer and developer based in Barcelona.
Megan Rowling: Barcelona-based journalist who covers international climate-change issues. She works as a reporter and editor for the Thomson Reuters Foundation, where she has also managed a reporting project on building resilience in cities and beyond. She is interested in how data visualisation can make green development more accessible to a wider audience.
Title: How vegetation affects the temperature in your city?
Authors' biographies
Carla Garcia Lozano: During the last four years I have been working on my PhD in Physical Geography. Currently, I work as a GIS technician in the GIS and Remote Sensing Service (SIGTE) of the University of Girona and I am Associate Lecturer in the Department of Geography.
Anna Peliová: Currently doing an internship at SIGTE UdG (Servei de Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica i Teledetecció) after graduating from Pavol Jozef Šafárik University of Košice, Slovakia, with a master of Geography and Geoinformatics.
Josep Sitjar Suñer: Geographer and Master in Environment, analysis and Landscape management. Studying a professional training course about Web Developing. Currently working at SIGTE involved on several techical projects realted to GIS and web mapping. Professor at UNIGIS.
Title: La ciudad de las dos ruedas
Author's biography
Laura Navarro Soler: Barcelona journalist who writes, draws and designs. Recently she has specialized in Data Journalism and Visualization at the Blanquerna University, where she has learned to tell stories with the data and where also found her own way of doing journalism. Her themes are diverse, but she deals mostly with social, international and scientific aspects. Laura works with visualization tools like Flourish, RawGraph and Datawrapper, and is learning to program with R and D3.
Title: The good(s) swarm
Authors' biographies
David Casanovas Tatxés: Architect and Urbanist from Barcelona, worked in London in both design (w Herzog de Meuron) and Construction Management (icw Zaha Hadid). Just completed the Master in City & Technology at IAAC in BCN.
Luyang Zhang: Chinese Urban Planner by the BUCEA in Beijing, China. Currently in Barcelona developing a thesis on Big Data at Urban Scale at IAAC after studying the Master in City & Technology.
Title: XARXA URBANA ESCOLAR DE REFUGI CLIMÀTIC: A la recerca del camí escolar
Authors' biographies
Jorge Rodríguez Manzano: Senior Telecommunications Engineer (UPC) specialized in the field of Information Technology Founder in 2012 from, specialized in web and app design, data visualization models, online platforms and interactive maps as well as statistics georeferenced and possibility of drawing on map. He is also co-founder of City FOV (Fields OF View) Urban Lab.
Maria Pia Fontana: Architect Postgraduate Studies in Urban Planning (2000). Doctor in Architectural Projects from ETSAB-UPC (2012). Since 2006 Professor of Architectural Projects in Girona (EPS-UdG). Linked to the FORM + group (UPC) where he researches about visual culture, urban architecture, city and photography. Currently a partner of mayorga + fontana arquitectos and co-founder of City FOV (Fields OF View) Urban Lab
Miguel Mayorga: Architect. Master in Urban Planning (2010). Doctor in Territory Management from the UPC (2013). Since 2006 he is a professor of urban planning at the UPC. He has carried out consulting work on urban plans and projects in Spain, Colombia, Italy, Brazil and Honduras. Currently partner of mayorga + fontana arquitectos and co-founder of City FOV (Fields OF View) Urban Lab.