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Final event

In 1993, the cities of Barcelona and Kobe (Japan) signed a twinning agreement that establishes a program of cultural, educational, sports, economic and technological exchanges. Two years later, after an earthquake that affected the Japanese city, Barcelona collaborated with the delivery of humanitarian aid.

Last year, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the twinning agreement, the City Councils organised the first edition of the World Data Viz Challenge 2018 Barcelona-Kobe.

After the success of the first edition, both in terms of number of participants as well as the quality of the projects presented, the same challenge will be proposed to citizens once again this year.

It is a challenge organised by the City Councils of Barcelona and Kobe that aims to encourage citizens to contribute to improving different aspects of the city by analysing and visualising data in formats that may go from infographics, graphics, interactive maps, among others. The challenge will take place at the same time in both cities and final projects will be presented in Barcelona.

As in the previous edition, dataviz can be about any aspect related to the city of Barcelona. However, this year we want to put emphasis on a worldwide issue: cities and the climate emergency, aligned with the Climate Plan, which integrates the Barcelona’s City Council scope of work in relation to the climate change.

Obviously, participants are free to opt for this or any other topic which makes this a very good opportunity to bring new and interesting ideas.

The open data provided by the Barcelona City Council are configured as a first class infrastructure that will undoubtedly be very useful for analysis and visualisations of all kinds that can be presented.

The Open Data BCN portal publishes data in open and reusable formats since 2011 and is constantly evolving both in terms of functionality and publication of datasets. It currently has more than 450 datasets, classified into five major themes: city and services, territory, population, administration and economy and business, all of them reflecting the main aspects of the city and the coexistence with citizens.

From all the participants, 6 finalists will be selected and will be given the opportunity to present their dataviz in the framework of the Smart City Expo World Congress 2019, which will take place in Barcelona from 19th to 21st of November.

As last year, this year the finalists of the challenge organised by the Kobe City Council will present their visualisations together with the finalists from Barcelona.

The Smart City Expo World Congress is the international event that, since 2011, has become a meeting point for reflection and creation around intelligent cities and, therefore, the most appropriate place to show all these analysis and visualisations.

The main objective is to highlight the challenges of intelligent cities by analyzing and visualising data, and use these dataviz to contribute to the development of better public policies.

At the same time, we want to:

  • Encourage the use of open data as well as tools and techniques for data analysis among citizens.

  • Transmit the utility of data visualisation among citizens.

  • Promote the elaboration of proposals based on data analysis.

  • Develop a critical thinking towards the use of data in the digital environment.

  • Increase the exercise of data sovereignty by citizens.

Pre-registration is not required. The participation will be accredited by submitting the Registration Form following the requirements specified in the Terms of participation.

  • From 16th of September to 31st of October, 2019: Registration form and dataviz project admission.

  • 11th of November, 2019: Publication of the finalists list and communication to the authors.
    Finalists will be contacted via e-mail by the organisation.

  • 19th of November, 2019: Public Institutional Event at the Smart City Expo where the finalists from Barcelona and Kobe will present their works.

The dataviz will be assessed by a team of professionals specialized in data analysis and ICT.

The World Data Viz Challenge 2019 Barcelona-Kobe is a great opportunity to promote your work in an exclusive environment such as the Smart City Expo World Congress. In addition to obtaining public recognition and a networking opportunity with international professionals from the smart cities sector, the finalists will also obtain the following:

  • Invitation to the institutional presentation of the smart city policies on behalf of the Barcelona City Council on November 18th at 9h in Sala Emprèn within Barcelona Activa (c/Llacuna, 162-164), as well as a guided tour of the 22@ innovation district in Barcelona.

  • A 3-DAY CONGRESS PASS entry for each member of the finalist groups, up to a maximum of three tickets per group, valid for the three days of the Smart City Expo World Congress 2019. This entry allows access to all the activities that are carried out during the event including the World Smart City Awards Ceremony and the Smart Party as well as a welcome gift.

  • Presentation of the work in front all the attendees of the World Data Viz Challenge Public Event that will take place on November 14th at the Smart City Expo World Congress.

  • Diploma acknowledging the finalist status in the World Data Viz Challenge 2019 Barcelona-Kobe.

  • Access to the catering and refreshment area provided by the organisation which will take place after the official institutional event in the framework of the World Data Viz Challenge.

  • Networking with the finalists from the Japanese city, with the jury and with professionals and other participants in the event.

  • Publication of the visualization on the Open Data BCN portal within the Barcelona City Council official web.

  • Final projects dissemination by the Barcelona City Council, both internally on the institutional level as well externally in any event related to the Open Data BCN service.

The World Data Viz Challenge 2018 Barcelona-Kobe is organized together by the Barcelona City Council and the Kobe City Council.
PR agency Canela PR, with the support of the Barcelona City Council is in charge of the communications campaign as well as the selection of finalists from Barcelona.