- City and Services
- Participation
Time banks in the city of Barcelona
Time banks in the city of BarcelonaUpdate frequency: Weekly
Historical information: No
- City and Services
- Participation
Survey on the digital divide in the city of Barcelona
Survey on the digital divide in the city of BarcelonaUpdate frequency: According to availability/needed
Historical information: Yes
- City and Services
- Participation
Survey of Subjective Well-being of Children in the city of Barcelona
Survey of Subjective Well-being of Children in the city of BarcelonaUpdate frequency: According to availability/needed
Historical information: Yes
- City and Services
- Participation
Citizens' participation spaces in the city of Barcelona
List of spaces for citizen participation in the city of Barcelona that include manufacturing athens, nursing homes, neighborhood centers, youth centers and spaces, children's...Update frequency: Weekly
Historical information: No
- City and Services
- Participation
Incidents, complaints, suggestions, inquiries and gratitudes managed by the B...
Incidents, complaints, suggestions, inquiries and gratitudes of the citizens to the Barcelona City Council. Incorporates the type of request, the thematic classification, the...Update frequency: Quarterly
Historical information: Yes