
The low emission zone (LEZ) of the city of Barcelona is an area where access by some vehicles is restricted with the aim to reduce environmental pollution due to mobility, preserve and improve air quality and public health, contribute to mitigating the impacts of climate change and ensure a better sound environment.

The scope of application of the LEZ can be consulted graphically in the Environmental data maps. The other related datasets can be consulted in this link.

For further details , check the AMB's LEZ website, where is published the text of the byelaw and other related regulations, and the Barcelona city council air quality website.

Dataset: Area of the low emission zone (LEZ) of the city of Barcelona

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Additional Information

Field Description
Format GPKG
Size(Kb) 196.0
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Reason: The resource has the format GPKG, because of that receives 3 points
Checked: March 9, 2025
Publication Date 25/01/2023
Last Modified 25/01/2023
Map visualization No
Incorporated in CityOs No
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