Yesterday, Thursday 17 December, the virtual session "Data, an opportunity to face the challenges of today's world" was held, organised jointly by the Consorci de Educació de Barcelona and the Barcelona City Council.
The aim of this session was to boost data literacy, focusing on the educational field from ESO. This commitment to young students can be of great help in guiding their academic and professional future.
The speakers were the lecturers Jordi Cortadella, Coordinator of the UPC's Degree in Data Science and Engineering, who gave a broad overview of what data represents in today's world, and David Sánchez, lecturer at the Institut Ferran Tallada and tutor of the group that won the Barcelona Dades Obertes Challenge First Edition_2018, who explained in detail the experience of working with data among his 4th year ESO students.
Also very interesting was the presentation of the UPC students, Marina Rosell and Raúl Higueras, who explained their project for visualising data on "The educational level of the population of Barcelona", a project that was twice the winner of the World Data Viz Challenge 2020 Barcelona-Kobe.
The session was led by Susana Navarro with the intervention of Rosana Fernández, both from the Àrea d'Innovació, Programes i Formació del Consorci d'Educació de Barcelona, who thanked the interest of all attendees.
This activity is the starting point of the training program Barcelona Dades Obertes Challenge offered to teachers within the Convocatòria unificada de programes del Consorci d' Educació de Barcelona. Teachers who register for the programme undertake to present the project they have done with their students to the competition of the same name, the Barcelona Dades Obertes Challenge, organised by Barcelona City Council. This competition also allows for the direct presentation of work, without registration for the aforementioned training program.
The recorded session will be published in the Consorci d'Educació de Barcelona's blog.
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