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The World Dataviz Challenge will be judged by a team of professionals specialized in data analysis, ICT, digital transformation and the impact technology has in society.

  • Albert CuestaAlbert Cuesta, IT Journalist

    Journalist, analyst, translator and speaker specialised in consumer electronics and ICT. Albert works for different Catalan media outlets such as Diari Ara, Catalunya Ràdio and is also editor of the GSMA’s Mobile World Live official bulletin in Spanish and Observatorio Nacional de la 5G blog.

    Twitter: @albertcuesta

  • Toñi HerreroToñi Herrero, Barcelona Tech City Communications Director and journalist

    Technology journalist, she has worked for main media groups from the sector and collaborated with different general media outlets. She is also a co-founder of, tech blog created in 2012. As a communications consultant, she has worked both with multinational companies as well as with startups in their communication strategy creation and media relations. Currently, she is a communications director of Barcelona Tech City, organisation that gathers 850 companies and startups from digital and technology sector in Barcelona.

    Twitter: @t_herrero

  • Bet Matoses FreixesBet Matoses Freixes, Experience Design and Innovation Director at RocaSalvatella and SHE STEM founder

    Before joining Roca Savatella as an Experience Innovation and Design Director, she worked on different people-centered innovation projects based on Design Thinking for brand strategy and culture creation. She is also a founder of SHE STEM Project, a non-profit organisation that aims to bring technology to girls.

    Twitter: @betmatoses

  • Víctor PascualVíctor Pascual, Data Visualization specialist and OneTandem co-founder

    PhD in Informatics and Visual Communication from the University of Pompeu Fabra and data visualisation expert. A co-founder of visualisation company OneTandem, Victor also teaches numerous postgraduate and master’s degree courses related to Big Data, Data Science and Data Analysis.

    Twitter: @vpascual

  • Enric RubioEnric Rubio, CEO of Asimetrics Intelligentia and specialist in cybersecurity

    Enric is tutor-professor at the UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia) and he also develops his professional activity in the Nuclear Association Ascó-Vandellòs II as the person responsible for information systems of critical impact information on people’s safety. He is also the CEO of Asimetrics Intelligentia, a company that provides integral support for computer security. Additionally, as a member of the Col·legi Oficial d’Enginyeria Informàtica de Catalunya, he intervenes as a judicial expert in court when required.

    LinkedIn: Enric Rubio Rodriguez

With advice and the special collaboration of:

Pere-Pau VázquezPere-Pau Vázquez, PhD in Software and Professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia

As a professor, he is in charge of Computer Graphics, Information Visualisation and Scientific Visualisation subjects. He is a member of the ViRVIG research group (Visualisation, Virtual Reality and Graphic Interaction) at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). His research areas are scientific visualisation, interaction in virtual reality environments and realistic visualisation

Web: Pere-Pau Vázquez