Monthly average air temperatures of the city of Barcelona since 1780

Monthly average air temperatures of the city of Barcelona since 1780. The temperature is provided in Celsius (ºC).

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Title Monthly average air temperatures of the city of Barcelona since 1780
More information
Agenda 2030. SDG Principal SDG 13: Climate action
Agenda 2030. SDG Collateral 1 SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Agenda 2030. SDG Collateral 2 N/A
Source Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya
Geolocation No
Long format available Yes
Historical information Yes
CKAN API available Yes
Token required No
Management Generalitat de Catalunya
Department Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya
Publication Date 22/10/2019
Update frequency Annual
Recent Views (last 2 weeks) 65
Total Views 5402
Number of Resources 2