Green Round Route of the city of Barcelona

Ronda Verde signed circuit of the city of Barcelona

Els .zip contenen tots els recursos en relació temporal del dataset.

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Field Description
Title Green Round Route of the city of Barcelona
More information
Agenda 2030. SDG Principal SDG 15: Life on land
Agenda 2030. SDG Collateral 1 SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Agenda 2030. SDG Collateral 2 N/A
Source Planificació de Mobilitat
Geolocation Yes, with map view
Long format available No
Historical information Yes
CKAN API available No
Token required No
Management Infraestructures i Mobilitat
Department Mobilitat
Publication Date 04/05/2017
Update frequency According to availability/needed
Recent Views (last 2 weeks) 8
Total Views 2420