Related concepts with traffic complaints and sanctions processed by the Institut Municipal d’Hisenda of Barcelona City Council

Concepts Related to Traffic Fines from the Barcelona City Council

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Title Related concepts with traffic complaints and sanctions processed by the Institut Municipal d’Hisenda of Barcelona City Council
More information https://ajuntament.barc
Agenda 2030. SDG Principal SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
Agenda 2030. SDG Collateral 1 N/A
Agenda 2030. SDG Collateral 2 N/A
Source Ajuntament de Barcelona
Geolocation No
Long format available Yes
Historical information Yes
CKAN API available Yes
Token required No
Management Gerència d’Àrea d’Economia i Promoció Econòmica
Department Institut Municipal d’Hisenda – Departament de Bases de Dades i Secretaria Tècnica
Publication Date 18/06/2024
Update frequency Annual
Recent Views (last 2 weeks) 6
Total Views 95