IMPORTANT: A partir de l'exercici 2020 les regles fiscals han estat suspeses per la Unió Europea arran de la pandèmia del COVID .
Accomplishment of the goals set by the budget stability of the city of Barcelona
View complementary description and field definition
Field | Description |
01.ANY |
Any |
Codi objectiu |
Tipus objectiu |
Descripció objectiu |
Unitat mesura |
06.Concepte |
Concepte |
07.Imports_Milions€ |
Imports en milions d'€ |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Data and Resources
Additional Information
Field | Description |
Title | Accomplishment of the goals set by the budget stability of the city of Barcelona |
More information | |
Agenda 2030. SDG Principal | SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions |
Agenda 2030. SDG Collateral 1 | N/A |
Agenda 2030. SDG Collateral 2 | N/A |
Source | Direcció de Pressupostos i Política Fiscal |
Geolocation | No |
Long format available | Yes |
Historical information | Yes |
CKAN API available | Yes |
Token required | No |
Management | Gerència de Pressupostos i Hisenda |
Department | Direcció de Pressupostos i Política Fiscal |
Publication Date | 25/05/2016 |
Update frequency | Annual |
Recent Views (last 2 weeks) | 16 |
Total Views | 1252 |
Number of Resources | 1 |