Archaeological map of the city of Barcelona

The Archaeological Map of the city of Barcelona contains a unified set of information on the archaeological heritage of the city of Barcelona, oriented towards the analysis, diagnosis and evaluation of the stratigraphic deposits of the subsoil and the built heritage and in close relation with the management planning of the Barcelona City Council.
The chronological framework of the remains that are documented in the letter is from prehistory to the civil war (1936-39).

NOTA: L'últim any publicat incorpora també les dades dels anys anteriors.
Les coordenades s'expressen en el sistema geogràfic (longitud i latitud).

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Field Description
Title Archaeological map of the city of Barcelona
More information
Agenda 2030. SDG Principal SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Agenda 2030. SDG Collateral 1 N/A
Agenda 2030. SDG Collateral 2 N/A
Source Servei d'arqueologia de l'Institut de Cultura de Barcelona
Geolocation Yes, with map view
Long format available No
Historical information Yes
CKAN API available No
Token required No
Management Gerència d'empresa, cultura i innovació
Department Direcció de Memòria i Història
Publication Date 04/12/2012
Update frequency Annual
Recent Views (last 2 weeks) 26
Total Views 2527
Number of Resources 28