Today, May 25, 2021, the Saló de Cent of the Barcelona City Council has hosted the awards ceremony of the Barcelona Dades Obertes Challenge Fourth edition_2021, an event that has been chaired by Jordi Martí, Councilor for the Presidency of the Barcelona City Council.
The very good quality of all the projects submitted to the contest has not facilitated the task of evaluating the jury of experts, who have finally awarded:
- 1rst prize to Institut Josep Serrat i Bonastre with the project "Impacte de la covid-19 en l'economia de la ciutat de Barcelona"
- 2nd prize to Institut Vila de Gràcia with the project "L'impacte de la pandèmia a la vida quotidiana"
- 3rd prize to Institut Josep Comas i Solà with the project "Qualitat de l’aire i COVID-19: el confinament ha fet de Barcelona una ciutat"
The contest prizes, as in previous editions, are approached as an experience that all the classmates of the winning groups will be able to enjoy.
All finalist teams have received a participation diploma and a commemorative award.
The event has been broadcast in streaming on the YouTube Channel of the Barcelona City Council.
Here you can see all the information.
Congratulations to everyone!
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