On Tuesday, October 30th of 2018, the first training session was held in the classrooms of the Cibernàrium for the teachers of the centers that have registered in the Training Plan about open data.
After a welcome by the organizing entities, the session began with a detailed explanation of What the Barcelona Dades Obertes Challenge is, the phases and the calendar of this Second edition 2019. Next some general concepts about open data were explained in order to be able to understand and work with the Open Data BCN portal, data from which the participants will have to use to work in the projects with the students. The main functionalities of the portal and the content of the catalogue were presented exhaustively to facilitate the task of the teachers as much as possible. After a brief pause, a group dynamic began where, from an initial list of datasets, ideas for future work emerged. All teachers participated very actively.
We thank all participants for their interest in this initiative led by the City Council of Barcelona to introduce open data as a resource to schools in the city of Barcelona.
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