The World Dataviz Challenge 2020 will be judged by a team of professionals specialized in urbanism, data analysis, ICT, and the impact digital transformation has on society.
Journalist, analyst, translator and speaker specialised in consumer electronics and ICT. Albert works for different Catalan media outlets such as Diari Ara, Catalunya Ràdio and is also editor of the GSMA’s Mobile World Live official bulletin in Spanish and Observatorio Nacional de la 5G blog.
Twitter: @albertcuesta
Web: -
Director of the Department of Architecture Technology at the UPC and the Virtual City Modelling Lab. Since 1994 she has been the academic coordinator of the GIS course at ETSAB and director of the Master in GIS (UPC) since 1998. Her research areas go from urban geography, sociology and economics with a focus on housing, real estate, real estate taxes and architectural heritage issues. She has published 46 books and 22 peer-reviewed papers (SCOPUS) in the last ten years and has led 5 competitive projects and 3 cooperation projects (MEC, MICINN, AGAUR). She is also a member of several scientific committees.
LinkedIn: Pilar García Almirall
Verónica Kuchinow, founder and director of Símbiosy and specialist in industrial symbiosis and efficiency in the use of resources as a tool towards a circular economy
Entrepreneur (ZICLA, SÍMBIOSY), with a long experience in strategic circular economy projects for city councils and companies, Verónica is also a professor of industrial sustainability and circular economy at different universities and centers, president of
of the Energy and Waste Commission of COEAC as well as an active member of different circular economy associations: BIT Habitat Foundation, AMB Circular Economy Table, BCN-UPF Department of local economic policy, 22@Network. Agricultural engineer with extensive training in business management and administration in Spain and China, as well as in business design and innovation.LinkedIn: Verónica Kuchinow
Urban architect and doctor in Territory Management from the UPC. Professor of Urbanism, Urban Metabolism and Smart Territories & Smart Cities and of the Master’s and PhD Degree in Sustainability, Technology and Humanism at the UPC, as well as professor of the Master's Degree in Building Management, Master in Advanced Building Construction and collaborator of the Master in City and Urban Planning at the UOC. As an urban planner, he has carried out plans, programs and projects in Spain, Colombia, Italy, Brazil and Honduras. In Barcelona, he has been an urban advisor for the Ecology, Urbanism and Mobility Area of the Barcelona City Council. He works as an international consultant and researcher in urban strategies, public space and sustainable mobility with the use of new technologies. Partner of mayorga + fontana arquitectes and City FOV Urban Lab.
LinkedIn: Miguel Mayorga Cárdenas
Director of the Master's degree in Cultural Management at the UB and member of Research Group "Creativity, innovation and urban transformation" consolidated by the Generalitat of Catalonia, she focuses her research on the multidisciplinary analysis of urban problems and their impact on social, cultural and economic aspects. She has participated in numerous projects funded by different European Union Programs and has coordinated several research projects funded by the Spanish Ministries of Economy and Competitiveness as well as of Science and Innovation. She is currently vice-president of the European Network for Urban and Housing Research (ENHR) and coordinator of the RGCS (Research Group on Collaborative Spaces) network in Barcelona.
LinkedIn: Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway
PhD in Informatics and Visual Communication from the University of Pompeu Fabra. A co-founder of visualisation company OneTandem, Victor also teaches numerous postgraduate and master’s degree courses in the area of Big Data, Data Science and Data Analysis.
Twitter: @vpascual
Tere Serra i Majem, Advisor and Consultant in the field of Telecommunications, the Information Society and Digital Transformation
More than twenty years of experience in strategic business and project management and organization as well as in ICT consulting. University professor, entrepreneur, consultant, politician and senior manager in public administration, she has been a pioneer in the implementation of the Internet and ICT in public administration, both nationally and in Europe. Graduate and Master in Computer Science from the University of Paris VIII and the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
LinkedIn: Tere Serra i Majem
As a professor, he is in charge of Computer Graphics, Information Visualisation and Scientific Visualisation subjects. He is a member of the ViRVIG research group (Visualisation, Virtual Reality and Graphic Interaction) at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). His research areas are scientific visualisation, interaction in virtual reality environments and realistic visualisation.
LinkedIn: Pere-Pau Vázquez