On Wednesday October 23rd, 2019, the first training session for teachers enrolled in the specific Training Plan on open data within the Barcelona Dades Obertes Challenge was held. The session took place in the Cibernarium classrooms of the MediaTic building in the 22@ technology district of the city of Barcelona.
The organizing entities led by the Barcelona City Council welcomed all the teachers. The session consisted of the explanation of the main concepts on open data, the Open Data BCN portal and a data exploration in order for teachers to familiarize themselves with the information published on the portal with which they should carry out the work with the students. See here the session documentation.
Coinciding with the publication in the Open Data BCN portal of the datasets Monthly average air temperatures of the city of Barcelona since 1780 and Monthly accumulated rainfall of the city of Barcelona since 1786, Mª del Mar Pla of the Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya was invited and made a very interesting explanation regarding this service and its data.
We thank all the participants for their interest and effort in wanting to join us in this initiative led by the Barcelona City Council, already recognized as a pioneering and innovative practice.
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