During the next few months, there will be a change that will gradually affect datasets which contain statistical data of Demography and Habitat, published in the Open Data BCN portal. This information, now in WIDE format due to the data origins, will be available in LONG format, meaning the information now given in different datasets will be presented, in some cases, in one only dataset. The format will be csv at all times.

For example, the datasets “Age of the female population of the city of Barcelona (year by year). Reading registers of inhabitants” and “Age of the male population of the city of Barcelona (year by year). Reading registers of inhabitants” will be replaced by a unique dataset: “Age of the population by neighbourhood, year by year and by genre of the city of Barcelona. Reading registers of inhabitants”, given the incorporation of a new column, in this case ‘Sexe’, where the corresponding value will be stored. Furthermore, the dataset “Age of the population of the city of Barcelona (year by year). Reading registers of inhabitants”, which is the sum of the previous two, is not necessary anymore since this information can be obtained from the data of the new dataset.

Likewise, the number of visits and downloads will reflect the sum of these, from the inauguration of the new portal (23/02/2017) of the datasets it replaces.

This change will also mean to the present portal, in absolutes, a decrease in the number of datasets in favour of a better quality from the published datasets.