Barcelona Dades Obertes Challenge Fourth edition_2021
We start this Fourth edition_2021 of the Barcelona Dades Obertes Challenge and we do so by adapting the contest to the exceptional context derived from COVID-19.
This edition has significant changes compared to previous editions with a firm commitment to digitization. These changes are applied, on one hand, to the teacher's training and on the other hand, to the presentation of the projects by students who can now also make use of other open soruce datasets, in addition to datasets published at the Open Data BCN portal.
Who can participate?
The competition is aimed preferably at students in the 3rd, 4th years of ESO and training cycles of educational centres of the city of Barcelona.
The teachers will be a key element to protect the students and introduce in the classroom the knowledge about open data that, given its transversal nature, can be worked on in any subject taught..
The participating centres will present a single project that they will have chosen from all those that their students have prepared. That project will be the one that will represent them and will be evaluated by the jury of the contest, in accordance with previously established and public criteria.
The Barcelona's City Council, organizer of this contest, also with the collaboration of the Consorci d'Educació de Barcelona and the CESIRE, offers teachers the possibility of participating in a Specific training plan about open data, with the aim of facilitating learning on open data sources, the tools for its treatment and representation and also the availability of data in the Open Data BCN portal.
The conditions for access are the availability of places and effective participation in the contest Barcelona Dades Obertes Challenge Fourth edition_2021.
More information in the program 'Repte Barcelona Dades Obertes' in the group of 'Recerca, Ciència i Tecnologia' within the 'Convocatoria unificada de programas del Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona'. See the participating centres.
On the 13/08/2019 the "Bases of the challenge" were approved. Afterwards, on the 30/10/2020, in the Butlletí Oficial de la Província de Barcelona (BOPB) the definitive bases are published, incorporating modifications regarding the first publishing and also the call of this new edition.
- Presentation of work (1 per center)
Starting date: 12/04/2021
Deadline: 30/04/2021
Obligatory: Memory, infographic and a video presentation.
Delivery will be made at Portal de Trámites del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. Documents in .pdf format weighing no more than 5MB are recommended.
- Publication of the finalist projects
Date: 18/05/2021
- Awarding of prizes attended final event
The event will take place the 25th of May 2021 from 10:00h to 11:30h in the Saló de Cent within the Barcelona City Council. See all the information here.
(*) The event will be of reduced capacity subject to changes always in relation to health criteria related to COVID-19.