Third training session on infographics to the teachers of the Second Edition of the Barcelona Dades Obertes Challenge

This Wedenesday, January 16th 2019 and again in the Cibernàrium, the very interesting and participatory infographics workshop was held by Dr. Henry Naranjo Pérez, professor of the Faculty of business and communication at the University of Vic and who also conducts training in the Diputació de Barcelona. It is the third and last training session for teachers enrolled in the Specific Training Plan on open data of the Barcelona Dades Obertes Challenge.

The teachers nos have all the necessary tolls to work in the classroom the data they hace chosen from the Open Data BCN Portal. Even so they continue to have suport from specialists, who can do all the consultations they need to get the necessary knowledge they mus transmit to their students.

The session was also used to explain the organization of the final event, a moment that we are all waiting for bevcause we will be able to see the defense of the 10 major Works scored and we are sure that, as in the previous edition, we will surprise.

From the Organization, we encourage teachers and all their students, thanking them for the effort and interest to participate in this innovative initiative whose main objective is to introduce open data as a resource in educational centers.

You can find the training materials of this session, and the rest, in the specific section of the Open Data BCN portal.

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